Friday, September 20, 2013

Homemade Bath Salts

Homemade Bath Salts- Easy 

So today we made toothpaste at school. It was not good. When we came home we thought about all the other things we could make at home, and we looked around the house for some interesting things. We found Epsom salts, and if you're wondering what they are, they are salts you can put in your bath, and they relax your muscles. We also got some raspberry extract, and the only reason we ever used that was to make the toothpaste. :D next thing you know, we were moving around the kitchen mixing things up and pouring things in bowls. :D. Now to the BATH SALTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are some bath salts I found a pic of!!!!

Things you need:
1-2 cups Epsom Salt
1 tbsp Baking Soda
A few drops of essential oil (extracts are what we used and they worked perfectly fine)
something to stir with
A airtight container
food coloring or any coloring

First, you mix the salts and baking soda together,making sure you get rid of all the clumps. Then you add coloring, food coloring does NOT rub off on your skin so it is ok to use. Finally, you pour it in a container and if you make two different colors and layer them, it looks really cool but you do not need to! You are finished!!!!!!!!!!

So we hope you like this fun activity!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. if you want to know the toothpaste recipe (just for fun) tell us in the comments!!!

Bye 4 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                            Creatively yours,
                                                                                                                                                       Bianca, Sanchi and Vedika

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